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We Need You to Write Your Own Story

By Khaled Sabawi

I’d like to propose to you that you live in a story. In fact, you are the main character and you experience your story from a first-person perspective rested upon your shoulders. But your story has been largely written by others and if you’re like most of us, you feel somewhat lost in your story. I think this is part of the reason why rational thinking people, like you and I, are so willing to suspend our disbelief and spend hours watching fictional movies about flying superheroes and evil monsters. More than simply watch, we are taken-in by these movies and we regard them as experientially real. We laugh, feel excitement, and sometimes we even cry. I think it’s because we’re all yearning to be part of a better story, one that can remove us from our regular lives and take us on a journey that is imbued with meaning; even if it’s just for a few hours, and even if its fiction, for fiction lies to us in the most truthful manner.

In this post, I hope to convince you that the way we behave in the world is highly influenced by the psychological impact of the stories we are told. The crisis of meaning many of us face in our lives is the direct result of the stories that have been told to us and interpreted for us by influential institutions and corporations in our societies.

I also hope to convince you that you, as an individual, can help us rewrite and re-interpret our stories and regain the lost meaning in our lives. Let me tell you how, starting with a small chapter from my own story.

What I Learned Writing My Own Story

In 2012, I dared to enter the exclusive world of storytelling for film and television. A leading international network based in Dubai signed an agreement to produce a “pilot” episode I wrote about a series that takes place amidst the Arab Spring. Although the show wasn’t produced, the experience was enough to thrust me on a journey that would change my life.

I pursued my screenwriting passion further and acquired the film rights to an all-time best selling Canadian novel which I had studied in grade eight called “The Black Donnellys” by Thomas P. Kelly. I read the most well-known screenwriting textbooks, took a screenwriting course in Los Angeles and even had a professional screenwriter mentor me for a year and a half. I wrote four drafts, each reviewed by a professional, and I was ready to release my screenplay to the world – so I thought.

In reality, there were no next steps. It turns out finding an agent to represent you is harder than writing the screenplays itself. Hollywood is a walled-garden surrounded by gatekeepers. As the statistic goes, in spite of 50,000 screenplays submitted to the Writers Guild of America every year, only 150 are actually made by Hollywood. Who decides which screenplays get made?

It felt like society was telling me something: your screenplay will never be produced and your story will never be told. I hit a very low point. They win. I was foolish to even try, I told myself. But my passion towards storytelling wouldn’t go away, as if there was a calling I couldn’t put to rest. After all, I’m the son of Palestinian refugees and I grew up on stories of how my parents recovered from dire circumstances to make themselves from nothing. The message behind most of their stories was “we don’t give up easily”.

So, I dug into my fifth draft, but this time I went deep; deep into the structure and origin of stories themselves. What I uncovered was nothing less than astonishing. My story lead me to a discovery even more important perhaps than getting my screenplay produced, and I’ve been working day and night for the last two years to share my discovery with the world.

Stories Are Part of Our Evolution

I have to start from the beginning, so bear with me. The information I’m about to tell you changed the way I think. And I’m going to get a little scientific, mainly because I’m a nerd and I need to justify my engineering degree.

All stories have a beginning and our collective story as humans begins around 30,000 years ago at a time when many human species roamed our earth. Yes, you read that right. If you paid attention in that Anthropology 101 elective you took in university, you’ll remember names such as Homo neanderthalensis, Homo erectus, and Homo soloensis. These species were very similar to ours. We know because we uncovered their fossils. Why did our species, Home Sapiens, only survive?

An evolutionary anthropologist by the name of Robin Dunbar determined that we survived because our minds were the first to evolve the ability to imagine. Dunbar demonstrated that all primates, including chimpanzees and us, can only intimately know up to around 150 other people. Beyond that number, we lose track of who’s who. This limit applied to all human species in the past, yet our species found a way to overcome this critical threshold and form groups far larger than 150.

The ability to imagine allowed us to think of ideas that can’t be seen or touched; it allowed us to tell stories which enabled us to form a common identity with other people we have never met. For example, nationalism, which is essentially a belief in a common story about a national identity, enables us to form armies made of hundreds of thousands of other people we have never met and fight wars together.

Stories communicate vast amounts of information, including beliefs and how to behave towards each other, enabling us to rally behind a common cause, organize in large numbers and ultimately survive.

Our Ancestors Told Stories For A Reason

Our early ancestors lived in a chaotic world. Everything around them was foreign and unknown; a potential threat to their existence. Starvation, conflict, and predators were constantly around the corner. Their main goal was survival, and if lucky, to establish enough habitable order and live long enough to have children.

Our ancestors survived by observing patterns of behavior that lead to successful encounters with unknowns they didn’t understand, which taught them something they could use to bring order to the chaos around them. In other words, our ancestors mainly cared about a mode of behavior that resulted in gaining new information that served to update culture and help them survive. Such behavior was deemed heroic.

Heroic behavior needed to be passed down to new generations to ensure our survival. Thus, over vast spans of time, as our minds evolved the ability to imagine, our ancestors abstracted such heroic behavior and formalized it into acted-out drama and finally into narrative story that crystalized into myth.

It was Plato who said “all knowledge is remembering.” He was referring to the plethora of wisdom eloquently woven into the oldest stories that were passed down from generation to generation across time. Incredibly enough, our oldest stories describe the world our ancestors experienced: one made up of chaos and order. The stories also inform us of what to expect when we encounter the “unknown.”

The oldest story we know is the Sumerian creation myth of Mesopotamia called the Enuma Eliesh. The story features a god who voluntarily confronts and defeats a terrifying dragon-like monster and, as a consequence, brings order to a chaotic world.

Terrifying dragons appear in many of our oldest stories hoarding mountains of gold. What on earth were our ancestors talking about? Dragons do not exist, let alone hoard gold.

Our ancestors represented chaos in their stories as they perceived it: in the form of the great threat brought on by murderous reptilian predators with destructive powers. And they told stories about the heroes who voluntarily confronted them, reaped the hidden treasure, and restored order onto the world.

Voluntarily confronting a destructive dragon is a common metaphor used by our ancestors to convey the heroic behavior of facing one’s greatest fears, whether physical or psychological, and reaping the “gold” as a consequence. If you cannot face your fears, our ancestors warned that the dragon will swallow you and you will die or become one with the dragon, hoarding gold that is of no real value to you.

Although I’m a skeptic with an open mind, I can attest that the creation stories of the Sumerians, ancient Egyptians, Adam and Eve, Cain and Able, and The Flood, when interpreted psychologically, are imbued with so much meaning that they’ll knock your socks off. Not only are such stories ancient, but they have structures that pre-date monotheism itself.

Ancient stories were used by our ancestors to convey meaning about human consciousness, emotions, motivations, and interactions. Why pass down such information in stories and not in fact or scientific theory? Because stories have an identifiable structure, a narrative grammar that follows the mode of behavior of a main character like you and I. When we hear stories about a main character behaving in a specific manner, we relate to that character and begin to emulate their behavior. Such a narrative structure makes information embedded in stories not just understandable but unforgettable – so unforgettable that it stands the test of time, influencing the behavior of generations.

Writing Your Story Can Influence Others

In 1599 Shakespeare wrote “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.” Centuries later in 1996, a psychologist by the name of John Bragh proved Shakespeare right in an experiment that became an instant classic.

Bragh had one group of university students assemble sentences using words associated with the elderly and another group assemble sentences using words associated with youth. He then timed each group of students as they walked down the hallway towards another room. Those who assembled sentences using words associated with the elderly walked slower.

Bragh’s experiment, which was replicated many times, demonstrated that interaction with mere words and sentences can actually impact our physical behavior. Now imagine what full stories can do. They can influence our mode of behavior completely without us even knowing. We are unbelievably sensitive to the stories we’re told, because like Shakespeare said, we are merely players in them.

To paraphrase the renowned psychologist, Carl Jung, you’re in a story whether you know it or not. If it’s someone else’s story, you’re going to get a small part and it might not be the one you want. If it’s a story you don’t know, it may be one with a very bad ending. You are the main character of your story. You experience your journey from a first-person perspective – a point of view rested upon your shoulders. This is the nature of our conscious experience and it’s why our ancestors used storytelling as the most effective way to communicate a message designed to influence behavior.

Writing With Structure Makes Readers Relate

The narrative structure used by our ancestors applies to all stories which are the basis of theater, television shows, and movies that range from The Avengers to Oscar winning titles such as The Godfather. What were our ancestors trying to tell us by using such a structure? They were trying to tell us how to behave in the world and what pitfalls to avoid.

Each one of us is on a journey from point “a” to point “b”. From “what is,” a place that is insufficient in some manner, to “what should be,” a place that is somehow better. But on our way, we will inevitably encounter the unexpected “unknown.” What do we do when we encounter the unexpected?

The answers lie in the structure of the stories passed down by our ancestors, who for centuries constantly encountered the unknown and, through their collective wisdom as human beings, represented the different ways to encounter the unexpected – in their stories.

I learned that story structure, when broken down and understood, can have a significant psychological impact on us as it can help us take hold of our own stories and live more meaningful lives as we move forward in a complex world.

In the most common story structure, also known as the hero myth, you have a flawed protagonist that is in pursuit of a goal. Standing in their way lies a formidable opponent – an antagonist. The antagonist lays unexpected obstacles in the path of the protagonist. When the protagonist attempts to overcome the obstacles, they fail and plunge into chaos. At their lowest point, the protagonist is usually assisted by an influencing character that helps them recognize and transcend their character flaw. Reborn, the protagonist voluntarily faces the antagonist in the final battle and climax. In their resolution, the protagonist has emerged from chaos to re-assert “order” onto their world and update their culture.

We Need Your Story

Yuval Harari, the bestselling historian-author of Sapiens, said: “homo sapiens are a storytelling animal. We think in stories. We expect reality to be a story and we expect the meaning of life to be a story […] some huge cosmic drama, with a beginning, middle, and end and heroes and villains […] and most important, a role for me…” So, what’s your story? What’s your goal? What are your character flaws? If you don’t know, you may be in trouble, because like all protagonists in a story, you will encounter the unexpected, and when you do, you will descend into chaos. Will you face your “dragon”? After all, it’s what you do when you’re at your lowest point that matters most.

Our ancestors tell us that we must voluntarily approach our greatest fears and only then do we embark on a journey imbued with meaning and move forward in life. And in that journey we learn the lessons of life; we gain the new information that can help us update our culture. The great British philosopher Alan Watts called this “the wisdom of insecurity”.

I believe your life experiences can make you a powerful storyteller. But the ability to share your unique story – the lessons you’ve learned in narrative form – and help us update our culture, has been hindered by Hollywood’s monopoly on the most powerful and influential storytelling medium for far too long.

History has taught us that great stories can teach us valuable lessons and can last for thousands of years. I think it’s time to release story-structure to the world to help you tell your story. This is why I’ve created Open Screenplay: a platform that breaks down story structure and makes it easier for you to write compelling stories and screenplays with the option of collaborating with storytellers from around the world. To further democratize storytelling, I’ve made Open Screenplay free, so everyone can join. The writers of screenplays that receive the best reviews will get paid and their screenplays will be produced. Their stories will be shown to the world.

I genuinely believe that technology should be used to disrupt industries that have inhibited the emergence of new artists. By using technology to help people learn the craft of storytelling, I hope to bring out the artist in all of us. For art, as Shakespeare said, is a “mirror held up to nature;” art pushes the boundaries and makes us think about ourselves.

I have ventured into the unknown world of screenwriting and I have come back with the lessons I’ve learned to launch Open Screenplay because I genuinely believe that the world we see depicted in television and film should be as diverse and amazing as the world we live in. The more diverse the stories, the more meaning extracted. And we all seek meaning in our lives. One way to help us find it is to write your story.

Follow Khaled Sabawi on


Christopher Toste

Christopher Toste

January 10, 2019 at 6:52 PM - Reply

Powerful story! I am glad that this story is being shared with others and did not end in 2012 after some setbacks. We should all be creating our own story, so that we can live a life of no regrets. Great job and look forward to the many stories that will be curated using the Open Screenplay platform.

Christopher Toste

Khaled Sabawi

February 4, 2019 at 2:33 PM

Thank you, Chris! Much appreciated!!



January 19, 2019 at 10:42 AM - Reply

I have a story but not a screenplay, to be honest I would not know were to start.


Khaled Sabawi

February 4, 2019 at 3:04 PM

Hi John, I’m sure you have a great story. Open Screenplay is designed to help you get started. We walk you through the process from starting your story to completing a screenplay. I hope you get a chance to write it.

Carlos Fernandes

Carlos Fernandes

January 19, 2019 at 4:42 PM - Reply

Super stuff, Khaled! Unsurprisingly wise, thoughtful and resilient as always!

Carlos Fernandes

Khaled Sabawi

February 4, 2019 at 3:05 PM

Thank you so much Carlos. Much appreciated brother. More to come!

Chin Hwee Tan

Chin Hwee Tan

January 19, 2019 at 11:23 PM - Reply

In 1599 Shakespeare wrote “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.” Indeed. Thank you. We all have a story to live through and it is called life. We at YGL is proud of you.

Chin Hwee Tan

Khaled Sabawi

February 4, 2019 at 3:07 PM

Thank you so much Chin. Our lives are in fact stories. If we act like the heroes of our past we will become heroes of the future.

Aaron Oliver Coleman

Aaron Oliver Coleman

January 24, 2019 at 2:26 AM - Reply

Wow! I've never read something so heart felt that directly applied to my life. I am truly passionate about story telling. I have a message to deliver to the world. For me, it's about inspiration and making the world an even better place. Writing is my outlet and has saved my life, literally. This story is beautiful and has given me ideas to write at least 3 screenplays. This is a firm promise to all story tellers and screenwriters; that I will go the distance. Going the distance does not involve money, success, fame, or popularity but love, inspiration, and making people happy.

Aaron Oliver Coleman

Khaled Sabawi

February 7, 2019 at 4:34 PM

Hi Aaron, thank you so much for your comment. It means so much to me that my post resonated with you. So glad to hear you're inspired to write your screenplays. Hope you start them on Open Screenplay and look forward to reading more about them!

Gregory H Pokorski III

Gregory H Pokorski III

January 25, 2019 at 11:14 PM - Reply

The thing is, I get a idea, I go into research then I write a story. A story! A story that seems so real that people who have read them wants them on film. I had a agent who had two of them in Fox Studios untill he got killed in a auto accident. They sent it all back because I had no representation.

Gregory H Pokorski III

Khaled Sabawi

February 7, 2019 at 4:36 PM

Hi Greg, it's amazing how an idea can turn into a story and then possibly a film or show that can influence so many people. Awesome about Fox and so sorry to hear about your agent. Keep at with your story. If you want help writing your story and creating a full screenplay, that's Open Screenplay is design to help you do!



February 2, 2019 at 2:06 PM - Reply

Amazing and so true. And if we look at what is happening around us, we see time and again that those who managed to emerge with an emotional story win, while those who narrate facts without meaning lose.


Khaled Sabawi

February 7, 2019 at 4:38 PM

Thanks, Christine! Totally agree. Reminds of the old First Nations proverb "Those who tell stories rule the world".

Tammy Idrus

Tammy Idrus

February 2, 2019 at 2:10 PM - Reply

I love reading how you started this journey. It always motivates me seeing how far people go after hitting the bottom. I wish both you and Open Screenplay much of luck so you can share more of your story and let others share their as well. Thank you for creating this platform.

Tammy Idrus

Khaled Sabawi

February 7, 2019 at 4:39 PM

My pleasure Tammy. Thank you for your comments and for reading my blog post.

Karina Lemke

Karina Lemke

February 2, 2019 at 2:16 PM - Reply

Congratulations - I have been sharing your project with friends.. many of whom have (I believe) fantastic stories that deserve to be shared. I hope that this may inspire them to put pen to paper. Great Blog Post - keep 'em coming ...

Karina Lemke

Khaled Sabawi

February 7, 2019 at 4:40 PM

Hi Karina, so great to hear from you! Thank you so much for your encouraging words and for sharing with your friends. There is plenty more to come. ;)

Mark Vlasic

Mark Vlasic

February 2, 2019 at 3:50 PM - Reply

What a wonderful post and story - from the ancients to today. Here’s to the “ability to imagine” and congratulations on all this good work!

Mark Vlasic

Khaled Sabawi

February 7, 2019 at 4:41 PM

Thank you so much! Really appreciate your comment and support. Here's to the ability to imagine!

Adel AlTaher

Adel AlTaher

February 2, 2019 at 5:42 PM - Reply

Amazing first chapter for a wonderful book I was captivated and want more. This is a must read to all age groups, specially teens. "Who is writing your story, and who is deciding what role you play?" Powerful stuff!...As always, you never fail to amaze me and inspire me. Great work Khaled - Godspeed

Adel AlTaher

Khaled Sabawi

February 8, 2019 at 8:55 PM

Hi Adel, thank you so much for your kind words. Truly flattered. Means so much to me that my blog post resonated with you. I can't wait to share the next one with you all.

Jameel Mtour

Jameel Mtour

February 2, 2019 at 8:09 PM - Reply

Great Mr.Khaled ....As i know you are pioneer and innovative man .Your creative screenplay platform is very unique tool to explore ideas and discover the inner and insight visions and dreams or unknown ideas and information .Your story combined betwwen imaginary ,personal thinking and the hisorical rsearch or anthropologist apprach .Good and impreesed story .I didnt know and you you could reveal my questios .It could real story from life or imaginary story ? And , could i use my Email address and passpord or is there aneed for new address ? Thanks alot my freiend .

Jameel Mtour

Khaled Sabawi

February 8, 2019 at 9:00 PM

Hi Jameel, thank you very much for your flattering words and your comments. You can write whatever story and screenplay you want on the platform, based on real-life or purely imaginative. You can use a regular email address and password. Sincerely hope you enjoy it!

Robert Huffman

Robert Huffman

February 3, 2019 at 6:31 PM - Reply

Thoughtful and engaging article. Thank you for creating a means for people to uncover and communicate their story. Additional insights have been developed by Jim Loehr in his book “The Power of Story”, which can change your life. What’s your story?

Robert Huffman

Khaled Sabawi

February 8, 2019 at 9:02 PM

Thank you Robert. Thank you so much for your comment. Very happy to hear that you found it engaging. I'm excited to see what kind of stories come out of our platform! Will definitely check out the Loeher book. Thank you for sharing!

John Winkler

John Winkler

February 4, 2019 at 9:36 PM - Reply

Hi Khaled Even though I own two books that have option agreements, and are being adapted for TV., Open Screenplay has taken me back 40 years, and has rekindled an interest and an idea I once had for a movie. In the 70's, I used to flip through my mother's favourite magazine, 'The Enquirer'. Filled with the likes of conspiracy stories to alien abductions, an article caught my attention that I knew could be turned into an amazing movie. I started to write down facts, fiction, ideas and different scenarios on how I wanted my story to unfold. I never finished it, but I still have my notes from 40 years ago. I'm very much looking forward to working with a team that will help me write a 40 year old idea. Good luck to all writers at Open Screenplay. Thanks John Winkler

John Winkler

Khaled Sabawi

February 8, 2019 at 9:10 PM

That is incredible! Thank you so much for sharing. It means so much to me that Open Screenplay can help you write a story that you initially thought about 40 years ago! To write a story is to dwell in the dream world. We don’t well in the dream world enough these days and we’re losing our connection to it. I think our inability to solve many of the seemingly intractable problems we face in the world is the result of a failure of imagination. I would love to see your screenplay unfold once you start it. Please keep me posted!

Gregg Jones

Gregg Jones

February 5, 2019 at 6:09 PM - Reply

Hi Khaled: I too have recently embarked on telling my personal story, not through a screenplay, but through solo performance-a show that I am writing now. I resonated with a lot of your thoughts about the hero’s journey, as it relates to our personal journey, overcoming obstacles throughout our life… Slaying the dragon’s! These elements are already in my story. I wonder if your program would be workable as a template for me writing my one-man show. Any thoughts on how that may work would be much appreciated. Thanks for your work, your journey, and the article above… Very inspiring!

Gregg Jones

Khaled Sabawi

February 8, 2019 at 9:07 PM

Hi Gregg, thank you for your comment. You can absolutely use our platform as a template for your solo performance. After all, you'll be telling your audience a story. Start a Feature Film screenplay on Open Screenplay and complete the Characters Phase and the Story Outline phase. Both will help you structure your story. And if you feel like you want to complete a screenplay, you can do that any time in the future too!



February 6, 2019 at 3:32 AM - Reply

Khaled, Thank you for the encouragement and the story behind your passion for storytelling. I have been working on my first screen play draft for over a year and I am encountering some similar feelings during the process. I like the community of storytellers you are creating and would like to try the open screen play experience.


Khaled Sabawi

February 8, 2019 at 9:08 PM

Thank you Imad. I really hope you try it and enjoy it!

Kathy Murrell

Kathy Murrell

February 8, 2019 at 4:41 AM - Reply


Kathy Murrell

Khaled Sabawi

February 8, 2019 at 9:08 PM

You're welcome!



February 8, 2019 at 11:23 PM - Reply

Hi khaled, How do you begin the process of the open screen play? Thanks


Khaled Sabawi

February 9, 2019 at 1:03 AM

Just go to www.openscreenplay.com and sign-up. It's that simple. Click "Start Screenplay" after you enter and begin! We walk you through the process on the platform.

Marc Anthony II

Marc Anthony II

February 25, 2019 at 2:13 PM - Reply

Thank you for this platform and setup you have designed. Its an awesome idea/movement yoi got going on here. Being an over analytical old school pen to pad writer. I have nothing to show but numerous notepads if I didn't lose them. Nearly dying not given 72 hours to live. Only to make a miraculous recovery from a month long coma . I have so many stories within the stories. As well as plethora of ideas premises and scenes from a big imagination of mine. Focusing honing in on one idea is the toughest part for me. I am going to participate in this layout which im very thankful again for.

Marc Anthony II

Khaled Sabawi

March 21, 2019 at 1:10 PM

Hi Marc, thank you so much for your comment! Wow. What an incredible journey you must have been through. It's our pleasure to provide a template and process to help you write your stories. I sincerely hope you write them!

Marc Anthony II

Marc Anthony II

February 25, 2019 at 2:17 PM - Reply

P..s this is a *short film contest" So 10 min act would be what were looking for ??

Marc Anthony II

Khaled Sabawi

March 21, 2019 at 1:13 PM

We're looking for a 3 Act Structure. Here's more detail on how best to structure a short film: https://www.openscreenplay.com/tutorials/story-outline-section#short-film-story-outline-structure

Jorge Olide

Jorge Olide

May 11, 2019 at 8:24 AM - Reply

I would like some information on how I can go about having my writing make it on to film. Who would I have to talk to to get a foot into the industry? I honestly believe...or let me rephrase that...I know that I have so many...a actually too many good ideas for film. I have some questions about getting in so that my ideas and stories can make it on the big screen. I honestly believe that I have way too much to offer and give to the world and to not pursue this would be a waste. Therefore, I feel obligated in getting a hold of the right person or persons in making some of my dreams come true, not only for me, but for others as well. A response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.

Jorge Olide

Khaled Sabawi

May 15, 2019 at 8:47 AM

Hi Jorge, thank you for your comments. The main purpose behind Open Screenplay is to help new voices like yours emerge. This is why we launched with a short film contest. The winning screenplay will receive a $2000 cash prize and will be produced. I would highly recommend you enter our short film contest. This is a serious and realistic way for you to get your ideas produced and obtain writing credit. Just go to www.openscreenplay.com sign-up and start a screenplay. Hope to read your finished screenplay.

Kimberly Lovelady

Kimberly Lovelady

May 12, 2019 at 2:42 PM - Reply

I have been wanting for years on writing my own story, dont know how to start.

Kimberly Lovelady

Khaled Sabawi

May 15, 2019 at 8:49 AM

Hi Kimberly, thank you for your comment. Open Screenplay helps your write by walking you through the writing process. Now is your chance to write your story and enter it in our currently running short film contest. The winning screenplay will receive a $2000 cash prize and will be produced. I would highly recommend you enter it in our short film contest. This is a serious and realistic way for you to get your ideas produced and obtain writing credit. Just go to http://www.openscreenplay.com sign-up and start a screenplay. Hope to read your finished screenplay.

leslie lumb

leslie lumb

May 14, 2019 at 8:14 PM - Reply

How do I manage to get my story to you I'd there a special link or website?

leslie lumb

Khaled Sabawi

May 15, 2019 at 8:49 AM

Just go to http://www.openscreenplay.com sign-up and start a screenplay! Hope to read your finished screenplay.

Onyi Ononye

Onyi Ononye

June 7, 2019 at 5:45 PM - Reply

I can write But I also most of all want to be in charge with the directing editing and casting part of the production

Onyi Ononye

Khaled Sabawi

September 5, 2019 at 4:27 PM

Thanks Onyi. I understand where you're coming from. A film or TV involves so many different artists that the vision of the writer may get lost. That being said, many directors and producers work hand-in-hand with the writer to make sure their vision is also respected.

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